(Português no fim)
We arrived in Koh Lanta without a place to stay… After the experience in Phi Phi we needed some place nice and we wanted to choose onsite! We grabbed a tuck tuck at the pier and went hotel shopping. It wasn't easy, the first few we checked were fully booked. We were starting to despair, it was very hot, the kids were tired and we were caring all our things on the back. We decided to stop in one to grab something to eat, it wasn't easy either, can you believe they didn't have steamed rice? in Thailand? Teresa was still bad from the stomach and that was all she could eat. Luckily she was not hungry so no lunch for her and the 3 of us grabbed something quick, the kids were getting really hard to “control”.
We found a great one but it was a little above our budget, we really wanted to say there. The rooms were huge, clean and it was right at the beach. After some discussions we scored a discount so we moved in. Bathing suits on and off to the beach…
The days were spent at the beach (with another massage included). A great one by the way, huge with a lot of nice cheap restaurants on the sand. Everyday went straight from the sea for lunch/dinner. There was a great vibe about this place! There were a lot of families with kids and Francisco made some friends. That was perfect, because kids were happily playing and we could relax with some beers watching the sunset!
We only stayed around here for 3 days… But we had a great time. It was exactly what we needed!
Chegamos a Koh Lanta sem sítio onde ficar…depois da experiência em Phi Phi apetecia-nos um sítio bom e queríamos escolher ‘ao vivo’. Apanhamos um tuktuk no porto e fomos procurar um hotel. Não foi lá muito fácil porque os primeiros hotéis que vimos estavam cheios. Já a perder a esperança, com muito calor, os miúdos cansados e com as mochilas às costas decidimos parar para comer qualquer coisa e descansar. Também não foi fácil porque, pela hora, não tinham quase nada e, nem se acredita, nem sequer arroz normal (a Teresinha ainda estava a recuperar da barriga e era a única coisa que podia comer). Não haver arroz num restaurante na Tailândia?! Por sorte ela não estava com fome e nós comemos qualquer coisa rápida porque os miúdos começavam a estar fora de controlo.
Encontramos um hotel óptimo mas um bocado acima do que queríamos gastar. Os quartos eram enormes, limpos e mesmo ao pé da praia por isso queríamos muito lá ficar. Depois de insistir um bocado lá nos deram um desconto e ‘mudamo-nos’ para lá. Em 3 minutos estávamos com fatos de banho na praia.
Os dias foram passados numa óptima praia, enorme com muitos restaurantes giros e baratos na areia. Todos os dias saiamos dos banhos directos para almoço/jantar.
Este sítio tinha uma ‘onda’ muito gira! Muitas famílias com miúdos e o Francisco fez alguns amigos o que foi perfeito porque assim estavam entretidos e nós podíamos aproveitar uma cerveja ao pôr do sol.
Estivemos por estas bandas apenas 3 dias mas gostamos imenso. Exactamente o que precisavamos!
- February 25, 2017